Valentine Seance with Joe Giaquinto


Séance by the Lady of the Lake
Age of New Beginnings at the Beach Club Estate
161 Rose Drive
Lake Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

Saturday February 11, 2017 (Starting at 7:00 PM)

Joe Giaquinto, a psychic-medium and ghost investigator, will host a séance at the historic Beach Club Estate on Saturday evening, February 11 th.

This very energetic haunted location sits right on the lake. The body of water has it’s own ghostly legends. The ‘Lady of the Lake’ myths are the most famous ghost stories. Author and historian, Kerriann Flanagan Brosky wrote about the Lady in Ghosts of Long Island: Stories of the Paranormal.

In a 2012 article, Kerriann wrote: “The most popular story tells of an Indian princess who was deeply in love with a member of her tribe. On the night of the wedding, her husband-to-be was attacked and murdered by a settler. The princess, totally swept away by grief, decided to take her own life by tying rocks to her ankles and walking out to the middle of the lake, where she ultimately drowned. Her body was never found, but her spirit remains and haunts the lake. The legend says the princess was so distraught that, seeking revenge, she vowed to return each year and claim the body of a young virgin male.”

Joe will begin the evening’s event with a guided meditation and prayer. He will also explain how a séance works, including the various styles used both past and present. Joe will then conduct the actual séance. Loved ones in-spirit will be invited to join the circle with messages for their family and friends present at the séance table.

Join us for this fascinating and interactive event!

Cost is $35 per person (pay at the door). The event runs from 7-9:30 pm.
For event reservations:

Your Divine Awakening,Psychic Development

Join us Every Thursday

At  6:30pm. to 9pm. violet-flame-heart

For heightening your own Connection to Divine Consciousness

With Rev .Norbert Larcher and Priestess Ellen Pellegrino

This is a beautiful time of realizing your own inner knowing, understand new tools to reach higher states of being……Using the Violet Flame….

Connecting to Spirit ,Loved ones and tuning into your gifts.

Call 516-924-1399 to Register

Price is $25 per course or $120 for the Month